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After scraping data with scrape_catastro is obtained an object of class catastro which is a list with at least two elements (parcelas and inmuebles). With this function that information can be translated into a tibble: both the parcelas and inmuebles as well as both


extract_from_catastro(list_scrape, which = c("parcelas", "inmuebles"))



A catastro object (the output of scrape_catastro).


Options: 'parcelas', 'inmuebles' or c('parcelas','inmuebles').


A tibble with the specified information.


# Real example

urls <- c("",

address <- c('CL ARMENTEROS 44','CL ABTAO 30')

# web scraping:
example_catastro <- scrape_catastro(urls,address)
#> Error in scrape_catastro(urls, address): rvest and dplyr packages must be loaded

# extract information:

extract_from_catastro(example_catastro, which = 'inmuebles')
#> Error in extract_from_catastro(example_catastro, which = "inmuebles"): objeto 'example_catastro' no encontrado

extract_from_catastro(example_catastro, which = 'parcelas')
#> Error in extract_from_catastro(example_catastro, which = "parcelas"): objeto 'example_catastro' no encontrado

extract_from_catastro(example_catastro, c('inmuebles','parcelas'))
#> Error in extract_from_catastro(example_catastro, c("inmuebles", "parcelas")): objeto 'example_catastro' no encontrado